Project: E-commerce Integration Video
Assets: Drafts of Script, and Video
Summary: Wrote the script for the video and helped with the production.
Purpose: To attract new customers who have a Shopify, Magento, and other e-commerce shops.
Collaborators: Staci Degange, Associate Director, Film, Dale Bachman, Account Executive, New Business Sales, Caitlyn Crites, Visual Designer, Dan Caldwell, Strategic Partner Manager, and Max Blaha, E-commerce Product Manager
Process: Dan and Max wrote an initial draft, which highlighted key aspects of the AdRoll Growth Platform. I was tasked with developing an engaging story from this first draft. Since our rebrand, we as a creative team, have been given the initiative to create more customer-centric marketing collateral. We were working within a very tight deadline, so we didn’t have enough time to feature an actual customer. To solve for this, I developed a script that centralized on a fictitious customer that embodied our target audience. From there, I helped Staci out with pre-production planning and also made an appearance in front of the camera. Staci directed and edited the video, Dale played our fictitious customer, and Caitlyn added illustrations.
Project: Engineering Recruiting Web Page
Assets: Web Page and Copy Doc.
Summary: Wrote all the copy for the new AdRoll Engineering recruitment web page.
Purpose: To entice top-notch engineering talent to join AdRoll.
Collaborators: Patrick Mee, Vice President of Engineering, AdRoll, and Jyri Tuulos, Senior Staff Engineer, AdRoll.
Process: I sought out members of each engineering team to find out their specific function and purpose. My main focus was to provide context without being overly fussy (engineers, for the most part, prefer directness). Throughout the process, I had periodic syncs with both Patrick and Jyri to go over the content.
Project: Attribution Dashboard Video
Assets: Video, First Draft of Script, and Final Version of Script
Summary: There was a new attribution feature that was added to AdRoll’s platform. A short video was created that lives on the dashboard, which explains what the feature is and how it works.
Purpose: To help customers understand how attribution works and introduce the new feature.
Collaborators: Ru Chen, Multimedia Director, Larissa Licha, Product Manager Attribution & Incrementality, Johanna Kimura, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Caitlyn Crites, Visual Designer, and Nathan Zaru, Head of SMB Marketing
Process: Larissa wrote the first draft of the video script, which was pretty thorough. Given our time and resource constraints, we had to cut it down drastically. It was my job to pair the script down from a running time of 10 minutes to a tight 90 seconds. After making extensive cuts, I worked with Nathan, Caitlyn, and Ru to develop a storyboard for the entire video. During the shoot, I worked as a script supervisor to help maintain continuity between the video and the script.
Project: ABM Direct Mail Card Game
Assets: Playing Cards, Game Instructions, Thank You Letter, and Card Box
Summary: The business-to-business (B2B) marketing team wanted to send a thoughtful direct mail to prospects that indirectly showed how our new Account-Based Marketing (ABM) product worked.
Purpose: To help the sales team close high-value B2B leads from two industry trade shows, Marketo’s Marketing Nation Summit and SiriusDecisions.
Collaborators: Alexander Liu, Copywriter, and Caitlyn Crites, Visual Designer.
Process: Alexander and I ran through different ideas and developed a structure that borrowed from other card games. After we solidified the rules, we peppered the card game with jargon and inside jokes since B2B marketers were the intended audience. Finally, we collaborated with Caitlyn to decide how the suits would be categorized.
Project: Samsung AI Technical & Social Responses
Assets: Naming Convention Deck, Onboarding Deck, Social Responses, and Technical Responses
Summary: Wrote technical and social responses for Samsung’s artificial intelligence persona, Bixby.
Purpose: To create dialogue that resonated with Samsung customers.
Collaborators: Ryan Reis, Technical Project Manager
Process: I was a part of a team that wrote every response for Samsung’s persona. I wrote over 75,000 unique phrases that responded to questions or comments (that ranged from appropriate to inappropriate). My responsibility was to ensure that these comments were brand, voice, and context consistent.
Project: Formosa Hot Sauce Email Campaigns
Assets: New Product Email, Welcome Email, and Promotional Email
Summary: Wrote copy for Formosa Hot Sauce’s email campaigns.
Purpose: Engage email subscribers with offers and news.
Process: When it comes to emails, shorter is always better. Based on my experience, those that are shorter (less than 70 words) perform best. My intention was to present the benefits as soon (and as clearly) as possible without losing the fun.
Project: Formosa Hot Sauce Social Media Posts
Assets: Instagram Posts and Facebook Display Ad
Summary: Wrote copy for Formosa Hot Sauce’s social media accounts.
Purpose: Gain followers, attract new shoppers, and engage with current customers.
Process: Formosa’s voice is lively yet approachable. It's important to strike a balance between the two elements when promoting the hot sauce on social media. Each post represents a different side of the brand.